Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Anthony's Kids Wish Network Trip

I cannot even begin to express how amazing and wonderful a time we had in Washington, DC. Everyone we met was so excited to meet Anthony and knew a lot of his history. There is so much I want to tell everyone, so much I want to write down. I think for right now I'll just post pictures and then add information as the days go on. This post would be far too long with words and pictures. I'll put captions to the pictures, but will write more on each subject later.

I will say this: as I stood in the Smithsonian at the dinosaur exhibit, I couldn't help but let myself have a little cry. Anthony is here. Anthony is healthy. Anthony is amazing. All of that could have been taken from me, and I will never forget that.

October 16 Pictures:

With the Curator of Dinosauria, Matt

Checking out the club from the end of the tail of an Ankylosaurus

Woolly Mammoth hair

Saber Tooth Tiger tooth

Dino dung!

In the paleontology lab

Checking out the head of an Allosaurus

At the Metro entrance by our hotel

Dinner was at Morton's of Chicago, and it was delicious (nobody had the lobster, though)!

Nana and Grandpa

Maw Maw and Paw Paw

Mark and Laurie

The grandfathers with Anthony

Anthony and Benjamin

October 17 Pictures

The whole fam-damily

With Susan

Anthony and Amelia

1 comment:

Loriann said...

Hi, I came across your site, our daughter Hannah (9) has health issues too. We also have another daughter Sarah who is 11. We see you were granted a wish with Kids Wish Network, we are regestered as well. And wondered how you liked the trip and all. Our website is
Hannah has asthma, two heart issues, immune disorder, arthritus, chrohns, and several other issues. Feel free to visit our site.
We will be praying for your family. God Bless.
Much Love and Prayers,
Lori and girls