Friday, April 13, 2007


One of my closest friends, Lisa, has a beautiful son named Aiden. Aiden was born with the same liver disease Anthony was born with (Biliary Atresia) and had a transplant when he was very young. He had a tough recovery, and has experienced a few post-transplant complications, but all-in-all, Aiden is healthy.

Lisa and her husband also have a baby, a sweet little boy named Mason who is 1-1/2 years old. Mason was the picture of health, the one thing we mothers of medically complicated children pray and pray and pray for. "Please, God, I don't care about anything else, just let this baby be healthy". Yesterday, Lisa and Joey found out that Mason is not their healthy baby. Mason has a brain tumor. This explains all of his developmental delays, but isn't what they were expecting to hear.

Lisa, Stacy and I have talked many times over the past months, leading up to Mason's diagnosis. We've all agreed that we thought having a child with a non-genetic, fluke of a disease was enough to "buy" our way out of having another medically complicated child. We all know that's not true, but we wanted it to be true.

Please keep Lisa, Joey, Aiden and Mason in your prayers. Mason will have an MRI with contrast on Monday, and that will tell the neurologist where to go from there. Please let it be benign and easily removed. Please.


Anonymous said...

My dear Laurie: I am so sad for Lisa and little Mason, and his Daddy, of course. Enough is enough! I will certainly remember this little family in my prayers. The Carmelites also are offering their good prayers for these little ones. Love, Gram

Renee said...

I'll be sure to keep them in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

We will be keeping this family in our prayers and in our hearts.