Saturday, May 06, 2006

Nemo on Ice

Mark, Nana and I took Anthony to see Nemo on Ice Wednesday evening. He could hardly be convinced to sit down, and stood at the railing wide-eyed almost the whole time. When the other kids were frightened of the shark and the shark costumes, Anthony was laughing and saying, "BIG shark!" He had such a great time, and Nana and I sat back and beamed at our miracle while Mark took 566 pictures (that's counting the ones we kept, and not the ones we deleted because they were too blurry).

That's a shark hat on my head. Anthony didn't want to wear it, but wanted me to.
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A rare occassion when Anthony looked away from the ice; you'll notice that there's nothing going on behind him.
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The finale:
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I took Anthony to the pediatrician yesterday because he started with a fever Wednesday night and has a nasty cough. Anthony's now on Zithromax: an antibiotic that will help get rid of his upper respiratory infection and kill any organisms that might be thinking to cause pneumonia. Thankfully, Anthony's lungs are clear right now, and we're hoping they stay that way! I'll take him back to the pediatrician if he's still sick after his 5 day course of Zithromax.

I'll be updating with news and pictures this week. Nana and Grandpa are on a mini-vacation (Grandpa's mixing business and pleasure) and I've promised pictures and news frequently. I'm sure I can find at least ONE cute picture to post of Anthony each day. :)

Love, Laurie

Coming up in Anthony-land:
Monday: back to day care if we're not sick, resting at home with Mama if we are.
Tuesday and beyond: stay tuned!


Beth said...

How fun. Those pictures are great. Looks like a blast. Glad he enjoyed it so much.
Have a good weekend!!

Anonymous said...

He looks like he had a blast! Can't wait till our little one is old enough to enjoy those kind of outings. XOXO

Anonymous said...

What a mama won't put on her head for her little boy - that's a riot!