Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Double Doozie

We took Anthony to the pediatrician again this morning. The Zithromax helped his upper respiratory infection, but it did nothing for the bilateral ear infections that were brewing. Mark, Anthony and I spent a mostly sleepless night last night because Anthony would cry every time we would lay him down in his bed. He slept a few hours in bed with us (Mama doesn't sleep when that happens, though) and off and on in his own bed. He (and I) finally fell asleep for a few hours around 4:3o this morning.

He is working on his second nap of the day, now. He doesn't want to eat much, but he's thankfully taking in enough fluids to stay hydrated. Dr. Patterson put him on Omnicef; an antibiotic he has taken for ear infections before, and the only one that showed some semblance of working. We're hoping it knocks out the infection quickly.

This weekend, Mark's parents and mine will keep Anthony as we have an engagement party in New Orleans to attend. I think he won't lack for love and sympathy this weekend, especially if he's still not feeling 100%.

I'll update more later!

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