Anyway, I've got plenty of pictures!!
Anthony and his cousin, Grace. To me, Grace seems to be saying, "WHY am I playing with this kid? All he wants to do is bounce in the hammock. BORING!" Grace is a sweet, beautiful and playful girl. She's incredibly smart, too. Of course, she IS related to me, you know. :)
And as usual, when there's water to be played with, Anthony is there in a second.
We're dying eggs today with Nana, Grandpa, Parrain and Uncle Matt. And speaking of Uncle Matt, I wish you could have seen Anthony (and Matt) when Matt walked in to Nana and Grandpa's house last night. I thought Anthony was going to bowl Matt over when he realized who had walked in the door. It's been two months since they've seen each other. Matt has been forewarned that he will have a shadow all weekend. As it is, Anthony tried to go into the bathroom with Uncle Matt last night and hovered outside the door with a book...waiting, waiting, waiting with a book.
In other news, I'll be calling Anthony's surgeon again on Monday. The area where the infection was (is?) is red again, and has another pimple-like bump in the same place. I have a feeling that if this is the infection still, we'll be scheduling an out-patient surgery for the surgeon to go in and take a closer look. Please say a prayer that this doesn't turn into something major in the meantime. I'll update again Monday with news about this situation.
Happy Easter, everyone!!!
Love, Laurie, Mark and Anthony
Coming up in Anthony-land:
Saturday: with Nana, Grandpa and the uncles
Sunday: a family reunion for Maw Maw's family
Monday: back to daycare!
Hey - I thought we were just saying the other day - NO HOSPITAL STAYS or MAJOR PROCEDURES. I think we jinxed ourselves!
Prayers for "nothing". Have a Happy Easter!
Hope you had fun dying Easter Eggs Anthony!
Wishing ya'll a Happy Easter!
Hasn't the weather been great?! Pretty pictures. Cute boy.
I'll remember Anthony in my prayers, hoping that it turns out to be minor.
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