Thursday, February 16, 2006

My Life: Not So Boring Today

After taking my (not as easy as I thought, but still not so hard) Immunology class today, I attended the Midterm Review for my Chemistry Lab Class. While we're all sitting there listening to the instructor, another (crazy) girl was setting a fire in the sink at her table (next to mine). I heard one girl yell out the fire setter's name and then they ran water in the sink. I turned around just in time to see a column of flames come about two feet out of the sink. The instructor didn't realize what happened and (for reasons that now don't seem so smart), we all decided to wait until after class to tell her about it.

Fire in a sink doesn't sound like such a big deal, I's a sink, after all, and you would expect there to be a water line there. But in the same line as the sink runs a gas line that controls the Bunsen burners at our tables. So, yeah, not so safe after all. On top of that, the girl had used Acetone (from a bottle on the table) as an accelerant. And then tried to use the same Acetone to put the fire out! Someone else was thankfully smart enough to run the water into the sink.

I was surprised that our instructor didn't notice the uproar, but she was at the front of the class, and this girl's table was in the back. Plus there were two tables blocking the instructor's view. Luckily, there were six of us who all had the same view of the situation, and we talked to the instructor after class about it.

Complaints will be filed with the Dean's office, and we hope that she will be removed from the class. It makes me incredibly nervous to be in the same class with this girl since this isn't the only weird thing she's done in this class.

In other news, I've set up some pictures at Flickr, so check them out. They're all from tonight right now, but I'll be adding others later. The link is in the grouping of pictures in the side bar, so just click there and you'll get to enjoy TONS of Anthony pictures!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that life is boring! Rock on Anthony!