Thursday, February 16, 2006


This post is going to be boring. Stop reading now if you don't want boring.

There is absolutely nothing exciting going on in our lives. Anthony has been at day care this week, Mark's been at work and I've been between school and work. I have a test today in Immunology, but I'm prepared and not worried about that.

Nana's birthday is this weekend and Uncle Matt is coming into town. Anthony is excited about that, and asks every day, "Maaaatttt?". Then I have to tell him, "Not today" and he does his fake whine (like, I'm mad, but not THAT MAD, but I just wanted you to know that I could be THAT MAD).

I have big plans for Anthony's two-year transplant anniversary coming up! Anthony and I (and the grandmothers, and possibly Mimi) will go to the zoo for the day. But first we'll go get his picture professionally taken. I want to get a double picture frame and put a picture I have of him from the day of his transplant in one side and then each year change out the picture taken on his anniversary. Then I'll keep a small photo album of all the years in between. Please pray that on March 9th it won't rain! Also, keep an eye out that day for a special post that I've been working on. You know it will have pictures!

Anyway, that's really all that's going on here. Anthony has speech therapy tomorrow (he's doing so well that his therapist is going to come every other week now, instead of every week!). Other than that, we have plans to eat dinner at my parents' house tomorrow night to see KiKi and the rest of the family.

Sorry for the blah life! I like it this way, though!

Love, Laurie, Mark and Anthony

Coming up in Anthony-land:
Friday: speech therapy, dinner at Maw Maw and Paw Paw's house
Saturday: family picture (Mark's family) and spending the day with Uncle Matt. If the weather's good, we'll go to Parrain's lacrosse game!
Sunday: another day with Uncle Matt and the family
Monday and beyond: stay tuned!

1 comment:

Renee said...

No pictures today? I'll even take a boring picture! ;^)