Sunday, February 12, 2006

Dinner, Bath and Bedtime...

Some cute pictures for your viewing pleasure...

Waffle Head:
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It's bathtime!
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New pajamas:
Image hosting by Photobucket

Not much going on in our little slice of the world. My older sister is in town for the week, so Anthony's going to get some time with KiKi.

I'll update when something interesting is going on!

Love, Laurie, Mark and Anthony

Coming up in Anthony-land:
Monday: back to day care!


Renee said...

Love the PJs!
I'm noticing in the pictures, that Anthony is evolving slowly into his Daddy more and more.
Do you hear a lot of that?

Sarah said...

Have a good time with KiKi!

Anonymous said...

I love those pj's. your mom has such good taste!! :)