Saturday, January 02, 2010


It's been quiet around here! Christmas was lovely and the entire weekend was quiet and relaxing. I had four days off of work, and it was like I had hit the lottery.

Mark took the week in between Christmas and New Year's off, so he's had lots of time at home with the boys. I've had quite a bit of time off myself, so we've mostly been just hanging out as a family.

The busy things we've been doing have been playing with our Christmas toys. Yes, even I got Christmas toys! I got a Flip video camera that is awesome! It's compact and takes gorgeous videos. I also got a Netbook (tiny laptop), but that wasn't part of my Christmas present. I need something that I will be able to tote around campus when I return to school in June, and at three pounds the Netbook is the best option!

Anthony got a lot of Legos for Christmas. He and Mark spent hours each day putting them all together and playing with them. He also got a Monty Rex (T-Rex) robot. It's pretty funny! You rub under his chin and he turns his head into your hand and does this little T-Rex purr thing. He walks, roars, sneezes,'s clearly Anthony's little dream come true.

Benjamin got Duplos (big Legos) and books. He loves to put his Duplos together while "Nee Nee" (Anthony) plays with his Legos. He also got a toy cell phone and set of keys. Those are his two obsessions when he roots through my purse.

Mark got gadgets. That is all. :) I am enjoying playing with some of them (especially this one).

I want to do a blog with a "2009 in Pictures" kind of review. I have Monday and Friday off from work this week, so hopefully I'll be able to get to it!

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