Friday, July 31, 2009

Pictures from the Omaha Trip

Rosenblatt Stadium, where the LSU Tigers won the College World Series games this year!

His new pose: Dinosaur claws

At Rosenblatt

Talking to Daddy, telling him how cool Rosenblatt Stadium is.

For Mark. You had to be there. Trust me. You didn't WANT to be there.

Turn right to go left. We get the giggles every time we see this sign.

The Lied Transplant Center; we stayed there MANY times!

Maw Maw and Anthony at clinic

Anthony at CoCo Key's Water Resort

Going down a water slide

Playing games at the Transplant Reunion

Tyler, Ali, Lucas, Anthony and Trey at the Transplant Reunion; these are our Liver Buddies from LiverFamilies

All of the liver transplant kiddos at the Transplant Reunion

Ali and Anthony. He's in looooooove

Maw Maw, Anthony, Amanda and Laurie at PF Changs. Amanda was our favorite nurse!

Anthony and Amanda

1 comment:

Amanda said...

It was SO great hanging out with you, Anthony, and your mom! My mom thought we were nuts joining the other 40,000 people at the Zoo, but it was fun! I love seeing the Zoo through the eyes of kids :o) Enjoy the rest of your summer!

Take care,
Your favorite nurse (aww, how sweet is that?!)