Friday, June 30, 2006

Put Me In, Coach!

While waiting for his grandparents and Mimi to come over last night, Anthony and I played baseball in the driveway. He caught on to the cheering part quickly, because every time he'd swing (with a hit or a miss), he'd say, "Good hit, Anny!" or "Wow what a swing!". It was incredibly cute and hilarious.

Look at that stance! He's ready for the Majors!
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At one point during all of this, he said, "Anny need glove, Mama." Where in the world does he come up with stuff like that? We don't watch baseball here, and the only other place I know that he would have seen a game is at my parents house with his Paw Paw. I guess he picked up on it and it stuck! Kri Kri must be so proud! :)

Anthony will have labs on Monday so that we don't have to get them done in Omaha by unfamiliar lab techs/phlebotomists. Cheri is always able to hit Anthony's vein and she and Melissa haven't seen Anthony in two months! See you Monday, ladies!

Love, Laurie

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

American kids just innately know that for baseball you need a ball, bat and glove. Also, note how he keeps his eye on the ball. Now just a little help with his stance.