1. NOT the amount of weight I've lost (although I'm still working on that)
2. NOT how much Anthony weighs (he's 34 pounds going on a zillion)
3. NOT the amount of a check received from a pal in the UK (I haven't got any pals in the UK).
50 Pounds is.....(drumroll, please)....
The amount of shrimp Mark drove to Thibodaux, LA to pick up. It's also the amount of shrimp that Mark and I deheaded (beheaded? Daddy? Kri? Opinions on which word is correct?) last night. We popped the heads and pointy tail pieces off of 50 pounds of shrimp. It took us about 2 hours total to do it all! When we were finished, we had a total of 33 pounds of tails. That's a lot of heads gone.
These shrimp, by the way, are nice sized. You certainly won't get them for $3/pound at this size in any market.
The above shrimp was one of the large ones. We put those tails aside to barbeque (about 2 pounds of this size). The rest were marginally smaller and will be saved for frying or putting in a stew/etouffee. There was also a pound of very small shrimp that I put aside for a gumbo. Yum.
What else has been going on? Well, Mark had ordered a blueberry bush for us to raise. It's supposedly about 1-1/2 years old already. But, um, it's kinda small. It will be 2 feet by 2 feet when it's full grown (in May), so it's not going to be a big plant, anyway. The other two plants in the picture are green onions and mint. Mark's got a green thumb, and has done a great job with our herb gardens, potted plants, and flower beds. I'm only good for pulling weeds, and half the time I pull flowers instead.
While Mark planted our blueberry bush, I got some cute pictures of Anthony playing on his slide in the backyard. He's growing up so fast. I remember when we first got the slide, he wasn't able to climb up the steps for the slide very well. He'll be three in three months, and I'm just flat out not ready.
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