Saturday, March 04, 2006

He Ain't a Baby No More.

Anthony looked like a big kid yesterday. There are some times when I think he still looks like my little baby. Yesterday certainly wasn't one of those times. Well, except for when he slept on either me or Mimi while Mimi and I were having lunch. He zonked out in the car while we were on the way to Rocco's to have a shrimp po-boy for lunch (yes, Friday's during Lent are SO HARD to bear here in the south.). Normally Anthony won't sleep in noisy places, and Rocco's was pretty loud. I guess Ms. Heather (his speech therapist) wore him out yesterday morning!

Anyway, after lunch we went to my parents' house to bring Paw Paw a shrimp po-boy. We played outside for a while before leaving to hit Wal-Mart up for some groceries.

Enjoy the pictures! Anthony has labs on Monday, so I'll update then with the great labs I'm sure he'll have.

Playing with Maw Maw Peck and Ta the dog:
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Snoota face:
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Hangin' with Paw Paw in the hammock:
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What. I'm 2. I can have meat on Fridays:
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Love, Laurie, Mark and Anthony

Coming up in Anthony-land:
Saturday: Parrain has a lacrosse game and we're going!
Sunday: um. hm. no clue!
Monday: Labs, and the start of Mommy's Spring Break week!
Tuesday and beyond: stay tuned!

1 comment:

Renee said...

Cute little burger-eating boy. Yeah, those Friday's are killers aren't they? ;^)